सुधिरकुमार शाह
Date of Birth : 2011/11/11 BS.
Birth Place: Banfikot, Rukum
Parents : Late Mr. Dibya Bikram Shah Late Mrs Kendra Kumari Shah
Marital Status: Wife, two sons, two daughter in laws and one grand son.
Education : SLC – Tribhuvan Janata Madhyamik Vidyalay, Musikot, Khalanga, Rukum B. A., B. ED. ( T U ) M. A. Pol. Science ( T U ) Post Graduate Diploma in GIS, ITC The Netherlands.
Work Experience Before joining the Civil Service: Head Master in Tribhuban Vocational High School, Musikot Khalanga for 4 and half years. Head Master in Birendra Sadharan High School, Banfikot for 2 years.
Work Experience : Chief Land Revenue Officer Executive Officer of Kathmandu Metropolitan City Office CDO in 3 districts Joint Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs Director General, Department of Immigration, MOHA Principal Private Secretary to the then Prime Minister Mr. Lokendra Bahadur Chand ( 2 times ) Election Commissioner, Election Commission of Nepal
Others : Member Secretary, Central Security Committee Spokesperson, Ministry of Home Affairs Head of the delegation 2 times, national and international level Member Secretary in Central Haj Committee ( 3 times) Delegation member in bilateral meetings on border management and security issues ( 15 times.) with India and China, SAARC and BIMISTEC Countries Coordinator of High Level Security Committee and High Level Election Code of Conduct Committee of Election Commission during 3 level elections in 2074 BS.
Countries Visited : India, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Thailand, Malaysia, China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany etc.
Decorations received: “Prabal Gorakha Dachhinbahu 4 th”.